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Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Be in charge of the daily management and whole-person education of students;
2. Work closely with the team of Resident Wardens and Tutors to handle student affairs;
3. Act as the first line of help in terms of emergency alarms regarding student’s safety and health. Conduct initial crisis interference when necessary, and refer individuals in need to university counsellors;
4. To provide pastoral care to students and improve general student welfare; To guide student organizations to arrange student activities;
5.To collaborate with all internal and external departments, as well as family-college communication, for better development of the College.
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. Hold a bachelor’s degree or above;
2. At least 3 years of experiences in handling student affairs under a school setting; or relevant experiences in the helping profession (for example: social workers, occupational therapists, teachers, etc.);
3. Recognize with the value of the helping profession; Be highly self-introspective and people-oriented;
4. Have a can-do attitude, open to new tasks and accept flexible boundaries in terms of working hours;
5. Basic knowledge and skills in psychology, mental crisis and intervention, as well as legal responsibilities under a school context;
6. Good written skills in both English and Chinese.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send full curriculum vitae together with copies of qualification documents, and at least three references by email to: hr@cuhk.edu.cn (邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名)
投递招聘简历时请注明来源于:高校师资网 https://www.gxszw.com/,提供博士人才招聘信息、研究生人才招聘信息。为高校、科研机构、事业单位提供各岗位的高层次人才!