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华南师范大学国际商学院面向海内外2023年高薪诚聘教学科研人员|SCNU-IBC Announcement of Employment Opportunities for Domestic and Overseas Teaching and Research Talents

工作地址:广东省 - 佛山市招聘职位:专职教师/教学科研岗学历要求:见正文发布时间:2023-08-29 发稿编辑:高校师资网


South China Normal University was established in 1933. In 1996, the college became a member of China’s “Project 211” universities. In 2015, it became the co-construction university by the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education.In the same year, it entry into Guangdong High-level University Sponsoring Project.In 2017, SCNU became a member of the National Sponsoring Project for World-Class Disciplines Construction. SCNU now boasts three campuses, namely Canton Campus (Shipai Campus, University Town Campus), Foshan Campus and Shanwei Campus.



The International Business College (IBC) has four undergraduate majors: Big Data Management and Application, Finance (Sino-Foreign cooperating), Financial Management (Sino-Foreign Joint Training)and French (Sino-Foreign Joint Training); one Sino-foreign cooperative graduate majors: Master of International Busines, of which the Finance is the Featured Major of Guangdong Province. The college has three university-level research centers, which are the Pearl River West Bank Strategic Research CenterCross Border Education Quality Assurance Research Center and European Research Center, and the Cross Border Education Quality Assurance Research Base co-constructed with the China Education Association for International Exchange.

学院突出国际化复合型人才的培养特色,整合了中外优质教学资源,引进了国外合作大学专业核心课程,与国外合作大学教师共同开设全外语课程。现有统招本科生934人,研究生78人,每年接收法国、加拿大、比利时等国留学生。学院近五年就业率均保持在90%以上,多次被评为华南师范大学“就业工作先进单位”。2021届毕业生升研率达到43.11 %(全校第二),其中金融学专业升研率达到76.81%

The IBC highlights the training characteristics of international composite talents, integrates high-quality teaching resources at home and abroad, introduces core professional courses from foreign cooperative universities, and jointly sets up foreign-languages-taught courses with teachers from foreign cooperative universities. At present, IBC has 934 undergraduates and 78 postgraduates, and international students who are enrolled from FranceCanadaBelgium and other countries every year. The employment rate of IBC graduates in the past five years has remained above 90%, thus being awarded as "Advanced Unit in Graduates Employment" by South China Normal University. In 2021, IBC postgraduate enrollment rate was 43.11% (Ranked 2nd in SCNU). Especially in Finance program, postgraduate enrollment rate reached 76.81%.



The college and foreign universities jointly built a practical teaching platform. At present, the college has set up Guangdong Provincial Experimental Demonstration Center and Guangdong Provincial Off-campus Practical Teaching Base, and has an Internet Plus and Big Data Laboratorya Financial Engineering Big Data Analysis Laboratory, ERP Financial Management Innovation Laboratory, an International Learning Practice and Innovation Center, a VR Laboratory, an International Curriculum Laboratory and an International Comprehensive Laboratory.



The college adheres to the people-oriented principle of running a college, and is on the process of realizing the internationalization in training mode, teachers and students resources, and management team. It has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with more than 20 colleges and universities in the United Kingdom, the United StatesAustraliaFrance, etc., and provides teachers and students with an international cultural integration platform through the integration of high-quality educational resources of China and foreign countries, and the provision of various forms of Sino-foreign exchange programs.    



In order to speed up the internationalization, International Business College is now openly recruiting teaching and research talents from home and abroad.

一、招聘对象Recruiting object
(一)客座教授Visiting Professor

1.聘请条件Terms of engagement



Doctor degree or professor position, high visibility in the academic circles at home and abroad, great achievements in a certain discipline; able to give specific guidance to the development planning, discipline construction, teaching and research, often able to give lectures for academic exchanges, and generally should be under 60 years old. Academicians or experts and professors in academia at home and abroad are in good health and age can be relaxed as appropriate.

If the relevant personnel who have put forward major guidance opinions on the planning, construction and development of the university or have made significant contributions to the university meet certain conditions, the school may employ them as a visiting professor at the university level according to their needs. 


2.工作方式和要求Working methods and requirements



3 能够保障每年2-6个月驻地工作者优先。

a. Full-time or part-time;

b. Ensure regular online meetings, and irregular offline communication;

c.Researchers who can secure a 2-6 month residency per year are preferred.


3.引进待遇 Rewards

待遇面议 Negotiate in detail and sign a personalized agreement.


4.招聘专业Vacancies Available with the Following Disciplines/Majors:




Disciplines or Majors


大数据管理与应用及相关专业Big Data Management and Application and relevant specialty


金融学及相关专业Finance and relevant specialty


财务管理及相关专业Financial Management and relevant specialty

(二)一类青年英才 Level I Young Talents

1.引进条件 Requirements


Under the age of 35, with excellent educational background and original scientific research achievements, the applicant should have certain advantages among domestic talents of the same age in the same field and significant potentiality for academic development, capable of teaching in English or in both Chinese and English.


2.引进待遇 Rewards


Level I Young Talent will be employed for a term of 3 years as Special Research Fellow. The total payment is 344,000 yuan per year, namely annual salary and annual rewards are 320,000 in total and rental allowance of 24,000 yuan. The achievements obtained during the employment period shall be included in the award scope of high-end representative achievements of our school. Foshan Campus will provide a subsidy of 40,000 yuan per year; Research start-up fund of up to 50,000 yuan will be provided for candidates in the first employment period. The candidate’s children can apply to study in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations. 


(三) 二类青年英才 Level II Young Talents

1.引进条件 Requirements


In principle, under the age of 32, with a good educational background, the applicant should have certain scientific research achievements and good potentiality for academic development; Those second-class young talents who have no postdoctoral work experience in Guangdong province will be included in the postdoctoral management at the same time; capable of teaching in English or in both Chinese and English.


2.引进待遇 Rewards


Level II Young Talent will be employed for a term of 3 years as Special Associate Research Fellow. The total payment is 294,000 yuan per year, namely annual salary and annual rewards are 270,000 in totals, and rental allowance of 24,000 yuan. The achievements obtained during the employment period shall be included in the award scope of high-end representative achievements of our school.  Foshan Campus will provide a subsidy of 30,000 yuan per year; Research start-up fund of up to 20,000 yuan will be provided for candidates in the first employment period. The candidate’s children can apply to study in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations.   

 二、招聘专业 Vacancies Available with the Following Disciplines/Majors:




Disciplines or Majors


大数据管理与应用/统计学及相关专业Big Data Management and Application/Mathematics and Application and relevant specialty

三、工作地点 Working Address


Foshan CampusSouth China Normal University, Shishan University Town, Nanhai District, Foshan CityGuangdong Province

四、应聘材料 Application Documents


The candidates should provide CV (including research projects undertaken in the past five years, publications indicated the SCI, EI, SSCI, CSSCI, journal impact factor and citations), and list of awards.



The candidates should send the compressed application documents including CV and relevant materials in electronic format to designated email address, with a title of the email and appendix as "position types + disciplines or majors you are applying for + candidate name (for instance: Young Talent + Finance + Zhang San)".


五、补充说明 Additional Remarks


This announcement shall take effect as of the date of release and shall be expired when vacancies become unavailable. If the relevant policies and regulations of the country, local governments and SCNU are adjusted, new policies and regulations will be implemented accordingly. This announcement is interpreted by the Personnel Department of SCNU and IBC. Selection and Interview time will be released later.


六、联系我们 Contact Us


SCNU HR Office website http://rsc.scnu.edu.cn

国际商学院 International Business College

李老师 Ms. Li0757-86687180, jli@ibc.scnu.edu.cn

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