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Postdoctoral positions in gravitation, quantum theory and related areas at Hunan Normal University
Hunan Normal University (Changsha, Hunan China) invites applications for postdoctoral positions in gravitation, quantum theory and other related fields (such as quantum field theory in curved space-time, relativistic quantum information, quantum gravity, cosmology, black hole physics, gravitational wave physics).
A competitive salary and a start-up fund are provided depending on the past research accomplishments. Annual bonuses for publications are provided and postdoc grants at both national and provincial levels are possible.
The candidates should already have a Ph.D degree and are expected to collaborate with Prof. Hongwei Yu and other members of his research group.
The initial appointment is for two years with a possibility of extension.
Applicants should submit their CV, list of publications, summary of research accomplishments and interests and arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be submitted to jwhu@hunnu.edu.cn.
The review of the applications will begin upon the receipt of the application.
For any further inquiries, please contact Dr. Jiawei Hu at the above email.
Changsha, as the capital of Hunan province, where Hunan Normal University is located between the scenic Xiang River and Yuelu Mountain, is famous for history of over 3,000 years. It is a beautiful, creative, historical and cultural city with comfortable climate, unique scenery and convenient transportation. It gives you a special experience on the colligation and integration of the Huxiang Culture with the modern civilization.
Contact: Jiawei Hu, jwhu@hunnu.edu.cn(邮件标题注明:应聘岗位+毕业院校+本人姓名+高校师资网)
Deadline: 2019-06-01
Location: Changsha, China
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