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Assistant Application Engineer
Job description:
-Build individual technical foundation of specific technology;
-Support project engineering, commissioning and startup activities;
-Interact with cross-functional teams to support manufacturing stand up activities;
-Develop and deliver cost effective technical support for reliable operation and optimization.
-Bachelor or Master degree in Chemical Engineering or related science and engineering;
-Fluent in English (both verbal and written);
-Able to work independently and as a team player.
Assistant Control Engineer
Job description:
-Build individual technical foundation of specific technology platform;
-Support project engineering, commissioning and startup activities;
-Interact with cross-functional teams to support manufacturing stand up activities;
-Develop and deliver cost effective technical support for reliable operation and optimization.
-Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or related science and engineering;
-Fluent in English (both verbal and written);
-Able to work independently and as a team player.
Assistant Environment Engineer
Job description:
-Build individual technical foundation in environment protection area;
-Support project engineering, commissioning and startup activities;
-Interact with cross-functional teams to support manufacturing stand up activities;
-Develop and deliver cost effective technical support for reliable operation and optimization.
Assistant Instrument Engineer
Job description:
-Build individual technical foundation of specific technology platform;
-Support project engineering, commissioning and startup activities;
-Interact with cross-functional teams to support manufacturing stand up activities;
-Develop and deliver cost effective technical support for reliable operation and optimization.
-Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Automation or related science and engineering;
-Fluent in English (both verbal and written);
-Able to work independently and as a team player.
投递招聘简历时请注明来源于:高校师资网 https://www.gxszw.com/,提供博士人才招聘信息、研究生人才招聘信息。为高校、科研机构、事业单位提供各岗位的高层次人才!