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Jiahuan Cui’s group of ZJU-UIUC Institute is recruiting one postdoctoral research fellow to contribute to the fluid mechanics research field. The Research Fellow is expected to develop and apply new methods and models for fluid dynamics research in the view of turbo machinery and prepare high-quality papers for publication in renowned journals in the field.
1. 开展计算流体力学的研究工作;
2. 在国际重要学术刊物上发表研究论文。
1. 具有博士学位;
2. 以第一作者发表过国际学术期刊论文;
3. 具有较强的编程能力(C, Fortran, 或Python 等);
4. 具有较好的英文论文的阅读写作能力和英语沟通能力。
1. 个人简历;
2. 代表性论文。
1. 提供良好的科研工作条件,支持申请国家自然科学基金及参加学术交流活动;
2. 工资待遇按照浙江大学博士后管理办法,工资最多可达30万/年;博士后研究人员在站期间参与研究组相关科研项目,可按照国家和浙江大学有关规定领取相应研究津贴和科研奖励;
3. 人事关系进入学校后从事博士后研究工作3年及以上的博士后研究人员,可申报学校高级专业技术职务;
4. 博后聘期内,将有机会前往University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 或 University of Cambridge,开展相关合作研究。
Key responsibilities:
1. Perform high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations.
2. Develop turbulence models based on machine learning algorithm.
3. Write scientific manuscripts.
1. A PhD degree.
2. Documented experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics is essential.
3. Advanced programming skills in C, Fortran, and/or Python.
Brief introduction to Dr. Jiahuan Cui and his research interests:
Dr. Jiahuan Cui is part of the ZJU-UIUC Institute, Zhejiang University based at the ZJU International campus in Haining. His research interests are computational fluid dynamics, machine learning aided turbulence module development, turbomachinery, measurement techniques, etc.
Information to be provided:
1. Resumé/CV
2. Evidence of prior research experience and publications
Internationally competitive compensation package will be provided to qualified candidates.
Please send the required material mentioned above and contact Dr. Jiahuan Cui, assistant professor, jiahuan.cui@intl.zju.edu.cn, for any other information.
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